Rewards System & How it Works (pets)

With rewards, it is automatically added to a service member and Veterans bundle when they arrive. Non Military affiliated families will receive rewards if they choose a bundle that includes them. Rewards can be earned by many different ways. Example: Let’s say Fido is coming to be our guest for a few months. He is young and still learning everyday. He’s very hyper, jumps on everyone and everything, only motivated to listen by treats and that’s if he chooses to listen at all ! When Fido goes to Rec, he doesn’t want to follow the rules and keeps getting tossed out of rec early. Then after 12 days, Fido is in rec and playing with the others wonderfully and even sat down when told and held position until it was time to get going again! That’s a big deal for him and it’s a step for us! Fido gets a reward for his hard work! This one will be his first so he will get a trip to River Styx Market! This is where we take all the doggies for their pupundae!! A vanilla ice cream with little tiny milk bones for sprinkles! This also includes the much loved car ride too!
The rewards are valid throughout the entire visit and do not have to be used that day but they can be taken away if things turn south! It has not happen yet and we hope it stays that way. There are many other ways to earn them and the rewards that come with bundle are all the same types of rewards!
Since I have a problem remembering 4 trillion things per day, when reward is given, a little “certificate” is given and put in pets file. It will be “redeemed” when we start reward activity! I would feel horrible leaving someone out and them it get their reward, they earned it!
Rewards and Prizes. (hoomans)
We didn’t for get about you! Without you, we wouldn’t have your baby as a guest!
Some times we will have little drawings, raffles or even answering trivia might get you to win! A lot of the time, a free T-Shirt is the prize. They are other items, no worries! With the T-shirts, we can get messages out there as well! You will find a selection of designs you may choose from to go on your free shirt. We will switch the designs every so often hoping to get more of a message out.
If you win, whatever said thing is, once we verify you the winner your shirt will be shipped to you. After that, you must wait 30 days to receive another reward. These may change as we get larger. Sometimes shirts will not be only items to choose from either. Could be jewelry, Hoodies, scratch offs, wall art, decals, etc.
below are the current 8 designs available!

** You may add color, text and instructions on how you would like your item to look. If using code, some additions may not be included. Ask for an estimate if you are adding anything to the item. We can get one to you quickly and then order can process!